Commento dei nostri ospiti australiani
Dal libro degli ospiti riportiamo questo commento:
We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Il Ponticello for the last two weeks. It was been an amazing experience and one highlight has been the brekfasts that you made for us every day. Your Agriturismo is a wonderful place to stay with the spectacular views and close proximity to Prato and other historic towns.Another highlight was the lunch that you cooked for the whole group at Fabio : that was another great experience for us. Best whishes for Il Ponticello and your family Kate and Andrew
We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Il Ponticello for the last two weeks. It was been an amazing experience and one highlight has been the brekfasts that you made for us every day. Your Agriturismo is a wonderful place to stay with the spectacular views and close proximity to Prato and other historic towns.Another highlight was the lunch that you cooked for the whole group at Fabio : that was another great experience for us. Best whishes for Il Ponticello and your family Kate and Andrew
lodo 2021
Un Natale diverso
Regalo di Natale
La Torre
Festa si S.Giovanni
Pasquetta in fattoria
Nuovo servizio per i nostri ospiti
Aspettando Natale in fattoria
Commento dei nostri ospiti australiani
Filastrocca dell'olio
Fattoria didattica, che divertimento!
La notte delle lucciole 21 giugno 2014
Un piccolo microcosmo
Zuppa frantoiana
Olio extra vergine di oliva da agricoltura biologica
Continua la campagna olearia
Di aia in aia
Articolo del Tirreno
L'olio nuovo : venite in fattoria a degustare
Ricomincia la fattoria didattica!